Thursday, September 25, 2008

Grid Self-Portrait

This is a self portrait that I did for IBH Art. The assignment was to do a piece in the same vein as one of your favorite self portrait. I choose Chuck Close's 'Self-Portrait.' I've always wanted to do something based around pixelation and this was my opportunity.

I took an emotive self portrait using a point and shoot. Took it into Photoshop CS3 where I shrunk it to 17x30 pixels. Then I blew it back up again and printed it. I was left with a highly pixelated grid of 510 boxes. I recreated this then on a piece of paper and armed with a wide variety of pencils: 6B, 2B, B, H, F, 2H that i can remember I got to work. 4 hours later I had this.

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